

Page history last edited by Bernard Farrell 12 years ago

Diabetes Data Wiki


Diabetes data handling is broken.


I established this site to help get agreement a simple, standard, microformat to represent data that's useful for diabetes control and care. Currently I believe it should be possible to represent several types of data values.


With the advent of the artificial pancreas project, it's now even more important that blood glucose meters, continuous glucose meters (CGM), and insulin pumps each share a common data format and control API. Without this it will be much harder and extremely expensive to connect CGMs from one manufacturer with an insulin pump from another.


Some of this work will be based on my paper from the March 2007 issue of the Journal for Diabetes Science and Technology.


There are several efforts to establish standards for health information interchanges. See the health interchange standards information page.


If you'd like to get involved in this effort, please e-mail me:



I've created an index page that shows the data formats and protocols for various diabetes devices.


Why Use Microformats?


Blog posts on Diabetes Data


Background Reading

Want to learn about the contributors to the Diabetes Data Wiki?


Who are we?

Why does this stuff matter? See various articles we've collected. 



Staying Informed

This Wiki has an RSS Feed. So if you'd like to kep an eye on changes, just subscribe to http://diabetesdata.pbwiki.com/atom.php.



What can you do with the information in this site?

Pretty much anything you want, provided you share it with others and you indicate that you got it from here.


I'm licensing the entire site contents under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Creative Commons License



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