Dexcom Seven Plus

This is a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) made by Dexcom, Inc. Dexcom web site.


The Dexcom CGM gets a glucose reading every five minutes, about 288 readings every day. In addition it will collect event markers for things like exercise, carbs consumed, and other data. It also collects calibration results, generally two of these each day.


Currently there are two versions of the Dexcom software, which can be installed at the same time on a single PC: DM2, and DM3.


You can export data from the Dexcom DM3 by following these steps.

  1. Choose Tools -> Export Data.
  2. Choose the patient whose data you want to export. I currently have five patient accounts due to different versions of the Dexcom and failed receiver units.
  3. Choose Export All or a Start Date from which you want to export.
  4. Choose the data format (XML or Tab Delimited Text). Note: Tab Delimited Text can be read in by Excel and other spreadsheet software.
  5. Press the Export... button and specify a name for the file.


I've loaded a copy of the XML format file, and the Tab Delimited Text file to this wiki.


Update September 17, 2012: I started using version of the Dexcom studio software. I've exported more data in case the data formats have changed: newer Tab Delimited Text file; newer XML format file.